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The Bookshop Downstairs 「樓下的書店」

There's a bookstore downstairs the apartment I live in. A few plastic chairs lie spare outside the entrance. A few days ago someone installed an arcade game outside the shop. People can often be seen idling away outside the bookshop. Some people read, some people just unwind in the haze of cigarette smoke wafting lazily under a tattered roof.

The bookshop closes at 11:30 pm every night. During the closing hours, a guy is regularly seen playing on the arcade machine. He also has a smart tablet which he places beside the screen of the arcade machine and plays another game on it. He always wears a black tee which clings tightly to his body which is out of shape. His appearance and mannerisms hint at a lifestyle that lacks creature comforts. An old man sits in a chair behind him reading a book while smoking continuously. He exudes lonesomeness. These two people stay totally absorbed in their own life. They carry on with their own stuff, oblivious to the shop-owner inside the shop as she wraps up the interior.

The bookshop is surrounded by cheap food stalls from three sides. They seem to be run by old people who live in the apartments right behind those stalls. Their day ends around 11pm after which they begin washing huge pans, bowls and cutlery just by the road. Clinging sounds of metal fill the air as they wash and carry their kitchenware inside their homes.

Every night I watch as the soapy water sweeps the edges of the road. The bookshop shines under white light which illuminates a thick haze of smoke.

When you enter the bookshop, you can find shelves of books with a sign on top that says "18+". Nothing suggestive is apparent on or in any of the books here. A small fraction of the books are accessible to all. It seems a rather dull bookshop where the line between coziness and congestion diminishes.

The bookshop sticks out like a sore thumb in this neighborhood. It just feels like it shouldn't have been here. The people sitting outside the shop appear to be misfits. They shouldn't have been this way.