
[In my first home in Singapore]


[Ubud, Bali]


[Some skate park in Paris]


[Taipei 101, Taipei]


[In front of Anne Frank Museum, Amsterdam]


[Lake Toba, Sumatra]


[Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan]




[Vang Vieng, Laos]

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Minimalism in Life & Visual Media 「極簡主義生活」

During my last month in Taiwan, I set out on my bicycle to ride a loop of this island country. I felt the freedom to move at my own pace and stop at my own will, the lightness of being in motion and the dopamine kicks of physical exertion. It was a very liberating feeling living an unrestrained yet minimalist way of life.

Apart from the generosity of people who found me a place to stay at night, I relied heavily upon the ubiquitous convenience stores particularly on the west coast of Taiwan. I was living out of a small backpack and a sleeping bag. I spent more than a year out of two backpacks, a few of the items in which still remained unused.

Taiwan is a sort of place that makes it easy to lead a minimalist way of life. A large number of public amenities that are available free of cost helps people let go of a lot of unnecessary belongings. On the other hand, in India one would need relatively large number of belongings. I find it a daunting task to go out without a bike.「秉持極簡主義的人很舒適在台灣生活。這裡便利店還有其他的免費的服務讓人不需要很多東西。反過來看,在印度我們需要比較多東西。」

Minimalism forestalls redundancy. Even in visual media a lot of information can be absorbed with little use of visual components. Design has been making use of what we see and what we do on a regular basis to make interfaces appealing. However an artificial system needs to be smart to understand minimal gestures.

The more you know, the less you need.「你的智慧越大需求越小。」


月亮忘記了 - When the Moon Forgot





This morning I finished reading Jimmy's book "When the Moon Forgot"

Jimmy's works introduced an alternate form of visual media to me. His books contents are a combination of sketches and text but it's nothing similar to a comic book. His sketches have a bigger role to play. In fact, his sketches are the highlight of his books. They are very powerful.

I have read two of his books before, but this book's special feature is its extraordinary imagination. I have rarely come across works involving fantasy that is poignant too; this book is one of those works.

When the Moon Forgot is the story of friendship and adventures of the moon and a little kid. The course of events in the book is highly unpredictable. Its ending gave me goose bumps. The last picture in the book is of a man standing in the middle of a field staring at the moon spreading its rays around. That image is really unforgettable.


How I Should Have Traveled in Asia

Starting from May 2013 I moved constantly for months within the communities of Asia. The more I look back at it, the more the number of things I come up with which I should have done differently.

「那時我應該有做個小的自己計畫 -採訪人,查問東南亞洲的販賣人口,發現各種個的人類被那種事刺激到。我不知道為什麼我沒有做此事。我向隨意性投降,於是我捨不得做不舒服的事情。」
I should have had a side project - interviewing people, inquiring into human trafficking in South East Asia, surveying stimulants of emotions in people across various lands or something similar. I don't know why I never did any of the above. I surrendered myself to prevailing spontaneity but it only led to an increased reluctance to embrace discomfort.

I am happy I didn't get into any volunteering project. Most volunteering projects in Asia are merely an extended leg of a first world citizen's swashbuckling summer adventure.

Throughout the travel, zaps of bipolar sulkiness kept rattling me no matter what I did. I thought it was an upshot of a highly dissatisfactory way of life in Singapore but it was actually some stupid gene in my cells messing with my endorphins needlessly.

I am happy that I ran whenever I could.

The more I opened up, the more I realized my limitations. I should have been more objective in my approach. My subjectivity is mostly inexperienced and works unproductively.

I wasted a lot of time on sight-seeing. Things that matter to me while traveling are people, local (art) communities and countryside. Historical palaces and museums rarely attract me.

I can't sit idle. I start feeling huffish.

I should have gone on longer hiking trips in the mountains.

Things I will do if I get another chance to take a year-long break:
1) Learn Muay Thai for a year/ spend a year in Shaolin temple in a remote hilltown in China
2) Make a documentary
3) Learn about the role of economically poorest sections in microeconomic theory
4) Do a job that interfaces two different sections of society (more on this in a separate post)
5) Join a small art performance group
6) Learn Parkour