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月亮忘記了 - When the Moon Forgot





This morning I finished reading Jimmy's book "When the Moon Forgot"

Jimmy's works introduced an alternate form of visual media to me. His books contents are a combination of sketches and text but it's nothing similar to a comic book. His sketches have a bigger role to play. In fact, his sketches are the highlight of his books. They are very powerful.

I have read two of his books before, but this book's special feature is its extraordinary imagination. I have rarely come across works involving fantasy that is poignant too; this book is one of those works.

When the Moon Forgot is the story of friendship and adventures of the moon and a little kid. The course of events in the book is highly unpredictable. Its ending gave me goose bumps. The last picture in the book is of a man standing in the middle of a field staring at the moon spreading its rays around. That image is really unforgettable.